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In our Darkest Days we're consumed by darkness which drowns out all the light. However, how long can that last? Eventually light tends to prevail. But will it this time? 

Our 1-Bit Game Jam creation brings this concept of Light & Dark to life with minimalistic concepts, simple yet fun gameplay, and food for deeper thought. It embraces the darkness as the focal point, through which you must prevail with your stubbornness and the lack of ability to accept the light due to the sorrow / pain you are experiencing.

The character is the embodiment of your inner darkness, pain, and sorrow. We've all at some point in our lives experienced a moment of grief which threw us in such despair that no positive words or actions of others could help us snap out of it. In fact, we wanted to sink even deeper. 

The goal of the game is to continue resisting the light / positivity for as long as you can. The game is set in difficulty stages that progressively get more difficult the longer you're able to successfully resist being swayed by the light. 

Mechanics  of the Game:

- Movement which gets faster and less controllable with the more light you collect as positivity is energizing. 
- Collecting light fills your character with light which you can visually see the animation of. You have to ensure that you don't collect too much light or you will be consumed by it. 
- If you let too many positive thoughts (light) on the screen you will also get consumed by it. 
- By hovering over the pillow you press E to cry / release the positivity out of yourself. 

You can listen to the Darkest Days Soundtrack Album on Spotify | Youtube | Amazon Music | Itunes... and / or purchase it on Bandcamp! 

Pre-save for Spotify:

Already Purchasable on Bandcamp:

Programmer - Oskar Čokl |

Character Artist & Animator - Andraž Oražem  

Orb and Hazzard Artist & Animator | Icon Art - V. T. Holmes |

Music Composer | Game Design | Graphic Designer | Trailer Editor - Maja Salamon | AQUAGON |

Voice Actor - Matt Duarte | Ruins |

Voice Actor - SpiraVA

Voice Actor - Clay Reynolds |

Voice Actress - MeinyanVA |


Darkest 47 MB

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